Stan lee Producer of Spiderman
Fashion Film


One of the most iconic publishers and writers of the comic book industry, named Stan Lee, died at the age of 95 in Los Angeles on 12th of November, 2018. The man who made the childhood of so many young children by producing blockbusters like Spiderman, X-men, hulk, Black Panther, Iron Man and many more. These undoubtedly shook the entire comic book industry with their release.

He began his career from a small office in Manhattan on Madison Avenue back in the 1960s, and worked his way up to help make possible the rise of a lineup of pulp-fiction heroes, who now seem to define the most popular culture of the 21st century.




movie star costume idea


Not only did he help in the production of film juggernauts which undoubtedly helped to make many people rich, but also co-produced Spiderman, the blockbuster movie. Lee, with the help of the writer/artist, Steve Ditko, produced the fictional superhero movie, known as Spiderman.

Spiderman revolves around the main character, Peter Parker who happens to live with his aunt and uncle and seems to go through financial as well as adolescence issues. Until one day, his entire life changes when he gets bit by a rare spider, which somehow mutates the genetic system of Peter, integrating the properties of a spider inside him.


Spiderman was also one of the very few Marvel’s superheroes that Stan Lee did not co-produce along with Kirby, instead he turned to Steve Ditko. He was the man behind the movie star costume idea for Spiderman, while Stan Lee was the one to provide the personality to the character.

The Spiderman costume was initially designed by Steve Ditko, which was created in a way that whenever the outcast nerd put the red mask on, he instantly turned into a daredevil, who used his superpowers to fight for the greater cause.

The red gloves and boot-covers, which are also a part of the Spiderman costume were designed in a way to provide flexibility to the character’s body, so he could easily fly from building to building.

Stan Lee was the co-creater of Marvel comics, whose biggest rival had to be DC comics. One of the most popular productions by DC comics include Superman. Although, with DC movies, one does not have to watch years of movies to get the plot of the recent one, as it is the case with Marvel movies. However, Marvel movies are still a lot more fun to get involved in, as they include stories that cross from big screen to small screen.

As opposed to Spiderman costume (Marvel’s creation), Superman costume was originally designed by James Acheson for the movie ‘Man of Steel’ which was released in 2013.Superman costume seemed to be equally flexible as the Spiderman costume, however, it weighed heavier due to the weight of the hi-tech metallic sheen, which made the character actually appear as the man of steel.


  1. Stan Lee, the man behind the comic based revolution in Hollywood. I thank him for the introduction of amazing metahuman characters to the world. I have been a designer myself, ever since the superhero characters have made it to the cinema, i have been making jackets inspired by these superhero characters. I must admit, of all the jackets I have made yet, the best one was the so called Peter Parker Jacket inspired by the superpower abilities of his.

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